Welcome! ようこそ!
Welcome to our church plant in Shonan Hiratsuka! We haven’t officially started our services yet as we are still preparing the ministry teams, getting ready our new building, etc. However, we are already meeting every Sunday to worship together and we would love for you to join us! Everyone is welcome! Please check out our schedule on this website and sign up to our Official Line for updated communications. Look forward to seeing you soon!
~Pastors Paul & Priscilla Hrubik and the Paz Church family~
Location 場所:
New Building Address 新ビルの住所:
254-0062 平塚市富士見町7−33
Hiratsuka, Fujimichō 7-33
*At our new building 新しい建物では:
- ⚠️We are still under construction, so it is not child-proof. Please keep a close eye on your children. 現在工事中のため、お子様が安全に過ごせる環境にはなっておりません。どうぞお子様から目を離さないようお願いいたします。
- 🚗The work on the outside of the building has started, so there is scaffolding all around the building now. This limits the church parking, plus is dangerous for parking (some people have broken their car glass on the scaffolding…please see below for more information). ➡️Please avoid parking at church to leave space for those who really need it and please be careful in the parking lot.
🚗建物の外壁工事が始まり、現在建物の周りに足場が設置されています。そのため、教会の駐車スペースが限られるだけでなく、駐車時に危険も伴います。(実際に足場で車のガラスが割れてしまった方もいます…詳細は下記をご確認ください。)➡️ 本当に必要な方のために、教会の駐車を避けていただけると助かります。また、駐車場では十分にお気をつけください! - 🅿️There are 10 spaces of ¥500 parking here: こちらに500円で10台駐車できる場所があります:
and 6 spaces here そして、こちらに6台分の駐車スペースもあります:
**A special notice from a member of the church (以下、日本語のお知らせです):
To all church visitors
At the moment scaffolding is being erected around the church building. Please be very careful in the inner parts of the car park, as there are dangerous areas, such as where the scaffolding pipes protrude. ⚠️
In fact, there have been accidents where the glass of some cars has broken against the ends of the pipes when parking. Others have also hit their heads on the pipes.
《Points to be aware of in parking lots》
⚫ When parking, do not rely solely on the car’s sensors/cameras, but always have one person outside to make sure you do not bump into it.
⚫When walking in and out of the car park between the scaffolding on the main road side, look over carefully to ensure that pipes do not hit your face or head.
⚫Drive and walk with caution as tools and parts for construction are placed there.
⚫Always keep an eye on children in parking areas and do not allow them to play.
- Church members are asked to refrain from using the church parking lot for those who really need it and to be very careful in the parking lot.
Sunday Schedule 日曜日のスケジュール:
9:30-9:45 Prayer 祈り
9:45-10:00 Fellowship 交わり
10:00-11:30 Celebration Service セレブレーション礼拝
Other Resources その他の資料:
PAZ Shonan Hiratsuka 湘南平塚 LINE https://lin.ee/W92BTtq
PAZ Kids キッズ LINE: https://lin.ee/kZdiJ3R
🎧 = Translation through app アプリによる翻訳 https://livevoice.io/listen/392120
Pt = Português; En = English
(Portuguese or English…Japanese will always be translated live from the front) (ポルトガル語または英語…日本語は常に前線からライブで翻訳される)