Paz Bible College (PBC)

Welcome to Paz Bible College

God’s calling to be a worker in His harvest is a tremendous privilege and responsibility. At Paz Bible College (PBC), we aim to help students fulfill their calling through training and equipping for present and future ministries. We are excited to grow and learn together in the process!

How it Works

PBC is designed for the full-time worker. Students are assigned three (3) video lessons and quizzes per week through Google Classroom to complete at their leisure. In addition, students meet in weekly online discussion groups to discuss what they learned in that week’s lessons. The first and last classes of each course are held via Zoom with all students and a professor.  

Click here to view student testimonials and sample class videos and quizzes:

Our Mission

Our mission is to train and equip the church to take the love of Jesus to the world, making disciples of every nation through the New Testament model of church planting.


PBC is not a parachurch organization. PBC is an integral part of Paz Church that provides members with deeper training in the Bible. PBC and its Board of Directors are completely submitted to the governing leadership of Paz Church.

Timothy and Christine Huber, Base Leaders, Paz Japan

Josiah Huber, President, Paz Bible College

Takashi and Naoko Seki, Japanese Assistance

Jennifer Huber, Secretary, Paz Bible College

John Eisenmann, Administrator, Paz Bible College

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Standards
PBC is committed to the spiritual development of its students. As the student grows in Christian maturity and in the knowledge of God, our desire is that the student’s value system will also grow in the following areas:

      • Spiritual values – eagerly seeking the Lord, service in the ministry, and passion for church planting.
      • Biblical values – understanding how to read and interpret the Bible correctly.
      • Biblical leadership values – growth in leadership values exemplified by Christ’s life on earth.

Personal Devotions
Every student should observe a daily time of prayer, Bible reading, reflection, and journaling. Class meetings, video lessons, and study time do not replace personal communion with God.

Local Church Involvement
Every student should be actively involved in their local church, including family group attendance and participation.

Admission and Requirements

The PBC applicant must be:

    • A Christian, and
    • An active member of his/her local church and family group.

In addition, because PBC utilizes Google services, every student should have a gmail account in order to access course materials.


The PBC curriculum is comprised of 8-week courses and 4-week courses. The curriculum is divided into three (3) levels for a total of 29 courses.

Level I – 9 courses, 64 weeks

Level II – 11 courses, 64 weeks

Level III – 9 courses, 48 weeks

Course Layout

  • Introduction class meeting – Each course begins with an introduction class meeting via Zoom. At this meeting, students receive an introduction to the course and any course materials or reading assignments. 
  • Video lessons – Each week students are assigned three (3) lessons through Google Classroom. Embedded in each Google Form is a video lesson and a quiz to be completed based on the information taught in the video. The deadline to complete the lessons and quizzes is one week after the date they were assigned.
  • Weekly discussion group meeting – The purpose for discussion groups are to discuss the content of the video lessons for that week. These meetings take place online and are in the student’s native language. Group size is usually 3-4 people.
  • Final class meeting – At the end of each course, there is a final class meeting via Zoom. At this meeting, students review the course and receive instructions for the written assignment and final open-book exam. Students have 48 hours to complete the written assignment and final exam in Google Classroom. At the final class meeting, the professor will also introduce the next course.

The school year is divided into three (3) terms:

1st Term: April – July
Term Break: August

2nd Term: September – November
Term Break: December

3rd Term: January – February
Term Break: March

Tuition and Payment

Please contact us at [email protected] for tuition and payment information.

Grading System

Our desire is that students pass every course, as the principle objective is to learn and retain the knowledge provided. Quizzes for each video lesson are designed to be taken and retaken until all answers are correct. The course professor reviews written assignments submitted at the end of each course.

Class Attendance

As there are only two (2) class meetings per course, attendance at both meetings is required. If a student must miss one of these class meetings due to an emergency or other similar circumstance, he or she should contact the PBC Secretary.


If a student wishes to withdraw, he or she must notify the PBC Secretary three (3) weeks before the next course begins.

Repeat Courses

Courses may be repeated for students who have withdrawn or failed. Full tuition cost is required for repeat courses.

Contact Information

Josiah Huber, President – [email protected] 

Takashi and Naoko Seki – [email protected]

Jennifer Huber, Secretary – [email protected] 

PBC general email – [email protected]